
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat Episode 13: Going 'Doon the Watter', lunch in little Italy and snoring her way to a better life.
In this episode of 'What's Pat Been Up To?' we hear about Pat's Pitlochry trip, our day out to the Isle of Bute (visiting the amazing Mount Stuart House), her new specs and her tale of snoring through a wellbing clinic.
She also talks about Glasgow University's Creative Writing Fair, the ongoing Aye Write events, Nancy Smillie's spring event and the upcoming Podcast interviews.
Send your questions to Pat on Twitter: @glasgowswestend. We'll answer the most interesting quewtionw on the Podcast. :-)
- Pat's Guide To Glasgow West End
- Currie & Quirk
- Nancy Smillie
- Mount Stuart House
- Glasgow University's Creative Writing Fair
Background music by Jim Byrne

Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Episode 12 of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat: Pat talks to Giovanna Eusebi owner of the Eusebi Italian Deli and Restaurant
Pat went along to Eusebi restaurant and deli in Glasgow West End to chat to Giovanna Eusebi who runs the family business with her brother Eddie. They chatted about Giovanna's childhood, how she developed a love for creating wonderful food and a desire to own her own restaurant. That desire has been fully realised in the womderful Eusibi restaurant & Deli.
Send your questions to Pat via Twitter: @glasgowswestend. We'll answer the most interesting quewtionw on the Podcast. :-)

Saturday May 05, 2018
Saturday May 05, 2018
Episode Eleven of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat
This weeks edition of 'What's Pat been up to'. Pat talks about gin bars, soul music, her new specs, eco friendly markets, Giovanna Eusebi, Avril Paton and David Belcher. And much more.
Send your questions to Pat via Twitter: @glasgowswestend. We'll answer the most interesting quewtionw on the Podcast. :-)

Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Episode 10: Jesper Ericsson - Curatorial Assistant at The Hunterian talks Commando comics, gun wielding soldiers and chickens
In this eposide of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End chat Jim meets and talks with Jesper Ericson, the Curatorial Assistant at the Hunterian.
Apart from finding out about Jesper's background (his time in Sweden, Cambridge, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and now Glasgow) we talked about one of his recent exhibitions; the Scottish Coinage Exhibition. The use of coins in Scotland goes all the way back to the 12th century,
'you are not carrying a muckle great big coin around that will buy you three hundred chickens you can use a wee coin to buy one chicken. Scotland was quite advanced when it came to coins and coinage..'
This one is not to be missed. Thanks Jesper, it was great to meet and chat with you.
Background music and photograph by Jim Byrne.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Episode nine of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat
Pat attends the West End Festival launch, buys fruit and veg in Partick, talks about celebrity encounters and meets up with friends to check out a new West End restaurant.
Pat's guide to Glasgow West End: http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk
Glasgow West End Festival:L http://www.westendfestival.co.uk

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Pat talks to Tom Binns the founder of Glasgow Piano City.
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Episode eight of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat: Tom Binns, founder of Glasgow Piano City
In this episode Pat talks to Tom Binns the founder and Project Coordinator of Glasgow Piano City. Glasgow Piano City is a social enterprise that places pianos in locations throughout the city and gives people permission to play them. As you will hear in the interview there is a lot more to the project than just distributing pianos.
As Tom says, Glasgow Piano City has inspired a 'bucket load of happy accidents'. Tom's enthusiasm and commitment to the project shines through. Enjoy.
- Pat's guide to Glasgow West End: http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk
- Glasgow Piano City https://www.glasgowpianocity.org

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Pat chats with Linda Jackson - singer, writer and inspirational tutor
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Episode seven of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat: Linda Jackson
In this episode Pat talks to the blues singer, writer and creative writing tutor Linda Jackson. Linda talks about her work with unpublished (and published) writers, her life-long love of music and about the book she is editing called ‘Growing and Dying’. The book is a tribute to her close friend, the writer Janet Paisley.
A Joni Mitchell fan, Linda is also working on a special event around the music of this great artist. Linda is a fabulouse singer and performer so expect the night to be a special one.
So let’s join Pat and Linda in the Kibble Palace where they met for a chat.
Pat's guide to Glasgow West End: http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk
Linda Jaxson: http://www.lindajaxson.com

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Episode six of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat
Pat chats about visiting the Makers market in Milngavie, book launches she's looking forward to, interviews with singer songwriter and acadmic Linda Jaxson, Tom Binns from the Glasgow Piano City and the writer Mary Irvine. And her encounter with the aloof Lamas of Fruin Farm.
Pat's guide to Glasgow West End: http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk
Linda Jaxson: http://www.lindajaxson.com
Glasgow Piano City: https://www.glasgowpianocity.org

Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Pat tells us what she has been up to lately and what's she's looking forward to
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
In this short episode of Jim & Pat's Glasgow West End Chat Pat tells us what she's been up to lately. And what's she's looking forward to in the next few weeks: events, shops, restaurants and people.

Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Episode four of Jim & Pat's Galsgow West End Chat. The second half of my great interview with Ian Smith, of the record label, Last Night From Glasgow (LNFG).
Ian talks about:
- How the LNFG approach has been key to attracting a huge amount of goodwil from members and non-members.
- The development of the LNFG branding and product styling.
- LNFG's relationship with their artists. What they do and don't do and what expectaions are on both sides.
- Hipster economics and the case for releasing both digital singles and Vinyl albums
- How LNFG is organised to facilitate future growth.
- And finally Ian give me an explanation of the LNFG "don't be a dick clause".
Check out LNFG at http://www.lastnightfromglasgow.com
Pat's Guide To Glasgow West End: http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk